Sunday, March 27, 2011

5 steps and 20 minutes to Italian inspired low fat, low calorie pizza

If you know anything about Queen, you know that I love love love Italian food! All to often that means fattening sauces, gravies, pasta, meat etc...
This dish goes to show you that you can have great food and stay within your eating plan! Feel free to leave comments below!


Thin Crust Pizza Dough (in the refrigerated section)
1 medium Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast (cage free and vegetarian fed)
1/4 cup Tomato trinity (tomato, onion and bell pepper)
Spinach and/or Arugula to taste
1/4 cup Bottled Pizza Sauce (should be no more than 40 cal per serving)
1/4 cup Mozzarella Cheese, shredded
1/4 cup of Broccoli Florets
1/4 cup Mushrooms

Use as much or as little of the veggies as you desire! They are low calories and super filling!

(No canned or frozen veggies!)

1. Cut chicken into small pieces. Saute until brown, but do not over cook. Set aside.

2. Unroll pizza dough onto greased pan. Bake on 400 degrees for exactly 5 minutes. Remove from oven.
3. Spread 1/4 cup sauce over the crust and add your cooked chicken.

4. Began building your pizza as desired with veggies and cheese.
Personally I build as follows: sauce, chicken, broccoli, mushrooms, tomato trinity, cheese, and top with spinach and arugula.

5. Bake for 10 minutes or until crust is brown on edges and cheese is bubbly!

Caution: Pizza is very very hot!

Be careful, you may fall in love with this healthy dish! 2 small squares the size of a deck of cards is a serving. 320 cal per serving

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Juice/Smoothie Feast

You all may know that Monday kicked off the 2 month Biggest Loser Competition. You could choose whichever diet plan you wish. For me, Im going to spend the next 7 days on a juice/smoothie feast. Smoothies are healthy and keep hunger at bay. And feasting, you will lose and feel healthier while doing it. If you would like to feast with me, I will put my favorite smoothie recipe below. You have lots of options though, from green smoothies made with fresh vegetables and fruit to fruit only smoothies. I will periodically post smoothie recipes during the week that you can choose from and alter to your personal taste!

I use only fresh or flash frozen fruit

1 handful of pineapples, diced
1 handful of strawberries
1 cup of ice (only if fruit is fresh, if frozen, omit)
4 oz of Mango puree (I prefer fresh, but I also use Belgium Imported Looza juice, made from Mango puree)

Blend all the ingredients and enjoy

You can alter any ingredients you choose but be sure to not add any additional sugars to the recipe. During this process, we are attempting to detox additional sugars out of the body.

Do you have any smoothie recipes to share? If so, place them in the comment section below or email them to

Sunday, March 20, 2011

We are expanding

The Beauty Bar Health and Wellness Studio is expanding! Yes! I know it all seems to be happening really fast. My business neighbor is moving and I will be leasing her space as well. The current space that I am in will be for check in for spa services, the medical weight loss and a retail space for all Queen Natural Beauty hair and skin care products, etc..
The space next door will be used to actually perform spa services in a more relaxed atmosphere and to hold the yoga classes! That's right! We are finally kicking off the yoga classes. We will have 5 days per week. 3 evening classes and 2 early morning classes.

We are also expanding the items that we currently carry. In addition to the chemical free hair and skin care products, we will now carry branded Beauty Bar apparel as well as luxury purses and jewelry.

If you have any questions about the new happenings at the Beauty Bar Health & Wellness Studio, feel free to email us at or give us a call! 205-663-8880

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The goal: to live a longer, healthier life

50 years ago, it wasn't strange to live to be 90 and 100 years old. Today, we are dying off younger and younger from issues such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. You hear more cases of ecoli and salmonella poisoning. Whats the difference? 50 years ago, we were more self sufficient. It wasn't odd to go into the back yard and pick your fresh herbs and vegetable to cook the evenings dinner with. Now, we have turned into a "hurry, hurry, hurry" society, to busy to cook dinner more less actually plant food. If you ask someone in their early 20's to snap a pea, they would have no idea what you were speaking of.
Advancing in technology is greatly needed, but holding on to somethings is not such a bad idea either! In 2009, I watched a documentary titled FOOD INC. That movie changed my life! It changed how I looked at, even thought about food. It changed the way I looked at the grocery store produce department and made my eyes light up when I saw rich fertile ground. I began to have an appreciation for the simpler things in life, for the way things were done, 50, 60, even 70 years ago, when the diseases that are apart of our everyday existence were a rarity.

Something seriously has to be done about the direction that our kids are going in. Someone has to show them the importance of self sufficiency and living a healthier life. And, I plan to do just that! I want to see my grand children, and their children and possibly their children. I want to be able to breath clean air, walk a mile without a thought and eat dinner without thoughts of sickness.
I'm putting together a plan currently, to open a center for sustainable life, or center for self sufficient living, or something along those lines, in 2012. I use to be the person to wait until others are ready to get on board, now I'm saying I'll do it alone and others can jump on the band wagon later but this has to be done. For our children and their children's children.
I can envision now, acres of a community garden, open to anyone who is willing to get dirty hands one weekend a month, or to volunteer to teach classes or even work the centers gift shop. I can envision classes teaching alternative ways of building homes and living off of the land.
But hey, that's just my idea of living. Who the heck am I?!?

Monday, March 14, 2011

We need you!

Time for spring cleaning, and I dont mean your house!

Get your body ready for summer!

Spring is here and summer is right around the corner. Its time to get your body in tip top shape and ready for beach wear! All during the months of March and April, I will be running specials at The Beauty Bar on all products designed to get you "right" for summer! Everything from HCG, to our powerful all natural appetite suppressants and our prescription strength B12!

HCG targets abnormal body fat, thus helping you get the abdomen you desire!!! Call us now to book your appointment for a in person, phone or skype consultation! (205) 663-8880